Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Let's Build Some Ideas

Hello there class! We're about to start a very exciting unit on strong and stable structures. I want you to spend some time thinking about different kinds of structures. How are they built? Who builds them and why? What kind of materials are used to build them. Click on the building and explore some famous structures from around the world. Once you have done this, think about some of the structures you see everyday.

If your ready for even more learning CLICK HERE to check out this link all about stability. There's even a few games and activities for you to try out.

Shape Up!

We're continuing on in our work in Geometry and Spatial Sense this week. Take some time to review and compare 2 and 3D shapes.
CLICK HERE for a website to help you out.

I have found a great site for you to do some work with the flipping, turning, and sliding of shapes that we have started looking at in class. Follow the link below and click on instructions. Spend some time practicing creating shapes and moving them around the grid.

Let's get those math skills in

The forecast is MATH

Hey there folks. We've been working with thermometers for our measurement unit in class, and its time to get some practice at home. At least three times this week I want you to record the temperature outside by clicking on the sun.

Then I want you to use this interactive thermometer and move it to the temperature for the day. Don't forget to note if it was above or below the freezing and boiling points! Click on the themometer to get to the site.

Next week we will be working with real themometers to determine the temperature. We will then check out answers and record them on number lines so practice, practice, practice!

Remember boys and girls, sometimes you might have to round numbers to find them a place on your number line. CLICK HERE if you need some help working on your rounding skills.

Focus on Plants

Hello Grade 3's! We've been working with our unit on Growth and Changes in Plants in class. Check out this video clip to review some of the characteristics of plants. Remember to look and listen for similarities and differences.

Parts of a plant from Arturo Munoz on Vimeo.

Now it's time to try out your scientific skills and dissect and label a flower all by yourself!

Fun Websites for Students

All of you Grade 3 students have been working really hard this semester. Take some time and have some fun with these websites full of games and activities I found for you.

PBS Kids Games
Eco Kids Games and Activities
National Geographic Interactive
Up To Ten Games and Activities
Fun Brain

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Websites For Parents and Family

I've searched high and low for a few websites I thought might be useful for the 'grown ups'. These links include sites with information on our ministry of education, the EQAO test our students will be taking this year, nutritional and health information, as well as some fun activities for you to do with the children. Hopefully you will find them helpful !
Ontario Ministry of Education
Kids Health
Highlights for Parents
Kids Sites (for Parents)
EQAO Information For Parents